Monday 3 November 2014

Beautiful and wonderful view in region 6 :) with Lui!

"For chilling and relaxing!", we have a right to see great view in the world!!!
What can we see in the region 6 ? Lets tour it now!!!

First of all, i want to say the view of Aklan!

1. As we all know that Boracay is the beach capital in the Philippines

The mystic of Boracay is that it was gifted with sugary-white and powder fine sand, considered one of the nature's wonders that makes Boracay's white beach famous to the world. 

wonderful view of boracay

 I have heard some people say that if Hawai is paradise, Boracay would be heaven.
we may agree when we see the great view of the boracay.

Lovely veiw in Boracay :)

What will you feel if you see those awesome scenes with your eyes?!

2. Romantic Rice field in Aklan

Chill for a while with golden view!

Romantic rice filed

see the great view..

These golden view will give us peaceful and calm time for our rest...

3. Welcome to Bakhawan Eco park!!!

If you want to fresh yourself, where will you go, what will you see?
I strongly recommend you to see the view of Bakhawan Eco park. 

The Bakhawan Eco-Park is a 220-hectare mangrove forest located in in Aklan. The mangrove reforestation project started in 1990 when the local government and several non-government organizations transformed the muddy shoreline of Barangay New Buswang into a mangrove reforestation site to prevent flood and storm surges in the community. 

Fresh Fresh :)

The park is dubbed as the Philippines' most successful mangrove reforestation project.
The Eco-park is operated by the Kalibo Save the Mangroves Association (KASAMA). The word "bakhawan", in the local dialect, means "mangrove"

Refresh our mind :)

WE can also see the wonderful view in the Antique

4. Lets go to malalison culasi antique!!!

Mallaison culasi VIew :)

Look at the beautiful landscape.. We may fall in love with this view!

Fall in love..

Oh my darling, how can i suppose to live with out you~~
I don't want to miss this view while i am with you~~~

If you have a plan to propose for your dear, why don't you bring your partner with wine?!

Heaven in Antique

5.  View of Guimaras !!!

Tropical awesome view of Guimaras

Do you want to see the real tropical view of the Philippines? This view would bring you ancient time :)

Wow :)

Fairy world!

Can you see any fairy ?! you may be able to see lovely and small tiny fairy out here :)
Lets refresh our mind with this great view here in the region 6 of the Philippines !!!

Beach wedding in Aklan
Your partner will easily accept your propose with this view. There is no doubt at all!.
Will you merry me?! *^_^*

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