Sunday 16 November 2014

The things that you dont know in Aklan

1.Motag living Museum is the number 1 ranked attraction in Aklan

They say we cannot bring back the past, well not for MOTAG LIVING MUSEUM
The Motag Living Museum is an interactive museum where one can experience rural life before machinery was introduced.
ploughing the field before sowing

You'll never know how fun this coud be unless you try :) get messy and have fun!!
native folk dance
You will heard folk songs that are not even written in history books, you will welcome in a house built without using nails,and get serve with native delicacies.

2. Hike through a mangrove forest in  Bakhawan Eco-Park,
where you’ll find mangrove forests intact.

Bakhawan Eco park

The Katunggan It Ibajay Eco-Park, look for the centuries-old mangroves, the biggest of which is 20 meters tall and eight meters in circumference.

Did you know that???
Guimaras Island is located between the islands of Panay and Negros in the Western Visayas region.

3. Did you know the second oldest Lighthouse?

Its an 18th century Spanish lighthouse and the second oldest in the country.
Guisi Lighthouse

Before you will reach the lighthouse to the top you still need to make a fifteen minute trek up the hill.
Climb carefully because its rusty and have spiral staircase.

top view of Guisi Lighthouse
You’ll get a beautiful, sweeping view of the Guimaras strait.

4. Did you know a house that built on top of a rock??

Roca Encantada


Roca Encantada means ‘Enchanted Rock’. The resthouse was built in 1910
According to an article, the exterior façade of the house resembles a palatial manor, but in reality, the space inside the house isn’t any bigger than the average two or three-bedroom condominium.

However, the house still deserves a tour of its own as it’s a heritage house as declared by the National Heritage Institute.

What you didnt know about Antique??

5. Bugtong Bato

Did you know that the town of Tuno are the seven waterfalls of Bugtong Bato, a hidden attraction behind steep ravines and large boulder formations.The name ‘Bugtong Bato’ refers to a huge rock found a few meters away from the first of the seven falls. It usually goes unnoticed due to a tree that grew on top of it.

First cascade of Bugtong-bato Falls
The first of these multi-tiered waterfalls is not very tall but packs a powerful cascade of water that creates a pool that’s about knee to waist-deep.

Trail to second cascade
After the stairs, one must climb a rope to reach the second waterfall’s side and then rappel going down. This routine will be the same for the remaining five waterfalls.

Second and third cascade of Bugtong-bato Falls

climb to the third cascade


As it is truly one of a kind, the locals ensure that Bugtong Bato is preserved and protected from destructive practices like illegal logging.






Sunday 9 November 2014

Buy something special in region 6 with LUi :)

Not to mention that buying something special is main course of the trip :)
Let's find out what we can buy as special remaning things in region 6!!!

Bags in Kalibo of Aklan

Kalibo is known for Pineapple Fabrics. Here you can buy souvenirs like bags made from pineapple or Abaca.

If you are a fan of Philippine handcrafted/ native products, when you found these bags you would be tempt to buy one of these lovely bags.

products made of abaca, pineapple, palm leaves, raffia, silk yarns, and cotton polyester !!!

Souvenir as a food!!!
What is the Aklan's Best? That is Piaya (in original and ube flavors).
This is going to be unforgetable the pasalubongs!!!
 PIAYA! It looks like a filled pita bread.
I am sure that it will bring you marvelous taste of the Philippines.


Spoon of Antique!!!
Collecting Antique Souvenir Spoons
Antique spoons are famous souvenir!!!
You may about to embark on the whirlwind journey of antique and collectible souvenir spoons.
For, every traveler is aware of the multitude of souvenir spoons that amass the tourist shops in every town and city, depicting buildings, birds, trees, flags, people, and any other symbol that represents that special visit, and will spark the memory of a treasured time and place. Old souvenir spoons continue to be collectible, as well as the relatively cheap souvenir spoons of recent years, but although inexpensive, these spoons are especially rich in memory and close to the heart of many spoon collectors.$(KGrHqJ,!mIE4lmY4j(pBOOv!4R)sw~~0_35.JPG
The birthplace of antique souvenir spoons was in Europe in the mid 1800's. These European souvenir spoons which depicted landmarks, cities, names, and other odd and unusual characters were acquired by wealthy Americans on their travels abroad.
Antique spoons of the early exhibitions are highly collectible. 
Let't try to buy one~~

Breeder of the Sweetest Mangoes on Earth in Guimaras Island!
If you taste it, you may fall in love with mango which has amazingly sweet!  Those even got served in the US’ White House.

bringing Mangoes from Guimaras is Highly recommended!

Look at this dripping juicy mango!!!
you must try heaven taste of mango when you are in the Philippines.  So bra cute~Mango Key ring :) hahahah

Put in my bag !!! :)

Sources :         




Monday 3 November 2014

Beautiful and wonderful view in region 6 :) with Lui!

"For chilling and relaxing!", we have a right to see great view in the world!!!
What can we see in the region 6 ? Lets tour it now!!!

First of all, i want to say the view of Aklan!

1. As we all know that Boracay is the beach capital in the Philippines

The mystic of Boracay is that it was gifted with sugary-white and powder fine sand, considered one of the nature's wonders that makes Boracay's white beach famous to the world. 

wonderful view of boracay

 I have heard some people say that if Hawai is paradise, Boracay would be heaven.
we may agree when we see the great view of the boracay.

Lovely veiw in Boracay :)

What will you feel if you see those awesome scenes with your eyes?!

2. Romantic Rice field in Aklan

Chill for a while with golden view!

Romantic rice filed

see the great view..

These golden view will give us peaceful and calm time for our rest...

3. Welcome to Bakhawan Eco park!!!

If you want to fresh yourself, where will you go, what will you see?
I strongly recommend you to see the view of Bakhawan Eco park. 

The Bakhawan Eco-Park is a 220-hectare mangrove forest located in in Aklan. The mangrove reforestation project started in 1990 when the local government and several non-government organizations transformed the muddy shoreline of Barangay New Buswang into a mangrove reforestation site to prevent flood and storm surges in the community. 

Fresh Fresh :)

The park is dubbed as the Philippines' most successful mangrove reforestation project.
The Eco-park is operated by the Kalibo Save the Mangroves Association (KASAMA). The word "bakhawan", in the local dialect, means "mangrove"

Refresh our mind :)

WE can also see the wonderful view in the Antique

4. Lets go to malalison culasi antique!!!

Mallaison culasi VIew :)

Look at the beautiful landscape.. We may fall in love with this view!

Fall in love..

Oh my darling, how can i suppose to live with out you~~
I don't want to miss this view while i am with you~~~

If you have a plan to propose for your dear, why don't you bring your partner with wine?!

Heaven in Antique

5.  View of Guimaras !!!

Tropical awesome view of Guimaras

Do you want to see the real tropical view of the Philippines? This view would bring you ancient time :)

Wow :)

Fairy world!

Can you see any fairy ?! you may be able to see lovely and small tiny fairy out here :)
Lets refresh our mind with this great view here in the region 6 of the Philippines !!!

Beach wedding in Aklan
Your partner will easily accept your propose with this view. There is no doubt at all!.
Will you merry me?! *^_^*

wonderful view of the region 6! with Lui :)

Most greatest view you must see in Aklan

Boracay is the beach capital in the Philippines
The mystic of Boracay is that it was gifted with sugary-white and powder fine sand, considered one of the nature's wonders that makes Boracay's white beach famous to the world. 
Boracay :)

Walking barefoot in an almost magical white sand is a fad, for the sand seems to have a therapeutic effects on the senses. What's amazing is that the sand never burns your feet, no matter how hot the day gets. 

Bakhawan Eco-Park
A multi-awarded and recipient of the Golden Eagle Award mangrove reforestation project boasts of an exceptional nature thrill for eco tourists and visitors.

Sunday 26 October 2014

WoW Foods in Region 6 with Lui :)

Yehey! we are willing to try good foods whenever we go to tour!
what foods will you bring to happy place in your life?! Let's see what region6 have for making us happy with their foods :)!


 Aklan food specialty dish is the banana trunk’s pith and a famous local dish called Chicken Inuburan or Chicken with banana pith which is widely considered as the best tasting vegetable dish in the province of Aklan.

Chicken Inuburan:)

Chicken Inuburan or Chicken with banana pith!

This tender and sweet white part is what gives the recipe a blissful flavor. The preparation of this dish is actually laborious since you have to cut down a whole banana tree to get the pith.

Inubarang Manok
Chicken Inuburan



 Aklan chicken dish that is steamed together with its own tasty juice cooked over a flaming charcoal inside a bamboo. 

 Chicken Binakol

The process of this cooking makes the chicken absorb all aroma of the natural way of cooking and provides a juicy texture and rich taste that lingers on in the mouth for quite a while after the whole eating is done.

 Chicken Binakol


Many foreingers who are from other country; specially cold or not in hot weather country, they have a tendency to eat tropical fruits. And Mango is most famous tropical fruit here in the Philippines.
First and foremost, Guimaras best known produce is their sweet mango famous almost worldwide

And it comes with it's best partner, ibos.



This brown baye-baye variety is made from toasted rice thus giving it a more disctinct flavour compared to it's more "caucasian" cousin. I like the one wrapped in banana leaves compared with the one in plastic for it gives it a more native feel.


So when you're in Guimaras or if you have to go to Guimaras, be sure to chekc out the markets for these native delicacies that can make your trip more gastronomically satisfying. It will give you big pleasure.


  Antique is very famous because of its Muscovado Industry
The one i will show you guys is that traditional special food of the Philippines.
As i am a korean, we also have those foods but i truely say that Philippines style of this foods
also will bring you special taste! :)



Bandi, called panutsa in Luzon, is made with whole peanuts covered in muscovado sugar.